`Fusioned 1` Handspliced butt jointed snooker cue with Ebony splices


The `Fusioned 1` is a Blue Moon cue which is new to our range. It is named because of the fusion of modern materials and cue building techniques with traditional cue making and craftsmanship. This provides a superb combination of the new and the old that results in the production of great looking and great performing snooker cues.

Selected straight grained ash shaft and 9.5mm tip.

Hand spliced from selected materials which includes Ebony splices, maple veneers and the latest technology composite materials used in sport the cue also has a top quality selected ash shafts. Great Quality, Great Performance, Great Price!


A genuine hand spliced cue with ebony splices and wrap around maple veneers. This cue from Blue Moon is 57 inches long and normally comes in at a weight of between 17.5 and 18.5 oz’s. If you have a weight preference please contact us prior to ordering and we will advise of the closest we have to your desired weight.

Tip Size – 9.5 mm for snooker
Weight –  medium 17 1/2 to 18 1/2 oz’s. If you have a preferred weight please advise and we will select the one closest
Shaft – Straight grained selected Ash
Butt – Hand Spliced `Black Composite` ebony with hardwood splices and veneers
Extensions – FREE Mini-butt and Optional Blueray professional cue extension at reduced price if bought at the same time.


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